We welcome our special 'seasoned' saints 50 and over or if you are a grandparent to this fun group.
We meet once a month and have a fun time of food and of course '42' dominoes!
Sunday School:
Ruth Class: This precious Sunday School class is specially reserved for those ladies who are 50 or above. It is a sweet time for them to fellowship and share each others burdens.
We offer an exciting Sunday school class for young adults and couples! They meet at 10am on Sunday mornings.
We offer Sunday school classes for all ages.
0-3 years
4-6 years
7-9 years
Adult Class: Anyone who doesn't attend the other classes.
Youth Group :
We offer 2 separate groups for this age:
Jr youth 10-12 years old
Sr youth: 13-19 years old
We have an awesome group of young people. They are dedicated to seeking the Lord's Will for their lives. They have monthly meetings and their own Sunday School class.
Come try them out... If you dare!
Children's Church:
We offer this exciting class to ages 4-9 during our Sunday morning worship!
We offer a Sunday night class for ages 4-9 during our evening service.
Music Ministry
Joyful Noise Of Grace: Come hear the sweet sounds of our amazing adult choir!
Girls In God's Gentle Loving Embrace
This is our awesome Ladies Ministry. We meet once a month for Bible study and prayer. And of course... Food!!
Come try us out! You will love our ladies!
Men's Prayer Breakfast:
This is wonderful time of fellowship and prayer for our men. Wonderful food and encouragement is dished out at every meeting. Come join them.