Hello!" We are so honored that you have stopped by our page! We are an Old-fashioned, Independant, KJV Bible believing Baptist Church.
We believe that Jesus was born of a virgin, died for our sins on an old rugged cross, and gloriously rose again! We believe He is coming again very soon to take His Bride home. We believe in Salvation by faith through Jesus Christ. We believe that this precious Gift is free to all and is eternal. Once Saved.. Always Saved!. This is our blessed Hope! Jesus is the only way to Heaven. Do You know Him as Your Personal Saviour? If not, come let us show you how you can!
We sing the Old hymns of the faith. You will find Hymn books including the Heavenly Highways hymnal in our pews every service.
We are a church full of loving people who want to serve the Lord. The time is short. We must bring others to Him!
Come visit us! We would love to show you our new building we just completed! God has truly been so good!Come see the Heart of our Church. Love is the key."